ATIPP Requests
The Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPPA), as legislated by the Provincial Government, is designed to create a culture of openness and accountability in the public sector, while protecting the personal information of citizens and commercially sensitive information of businesses. It applies to all public bodies (defined in the ATIPP Act), including government departments, agencies, health boards, school boards and municipalities. The ATIPP Act does not apply to the private sector.
The purpose of the ATIPP Act is

to provide the public with the right of access to the records

to protect the privacy of individuals whose personal information is collected, used and disclosed by public bodies
Every municipality has an ATIPP Coordinator who is responsible for processing access to information requests. If you would like to formally request records from the Town of Holyrood, please make your request in writing using the Access to Information Request Form. After you have completed the form, please e-mail, fax 1-709-229-7252, or mail the form to: P.O. Box 100, Holyrood, NL A0A 2R0
Make only one request per form and try to be as clear as possible about the information you want. If you need assistance completing the form, please contact the ATIPP Office at 1-709-729-7072 or toll-free at 1-877-895-8891. You can also reach them at For additional information, please visit the Accessing Public Body Records Information Sheet.
Open Government
The following documents are open to the public through the Municipalities Act, 1999, Section 215, Inspection of Documents
Section 215. (1) The following documents shall be made available by the council for public inspection during the normal business hours of the council:
(a) adopted minutes of Council (Link)
(b) assessment role (can be viewed at the Town Hall)
(c) regulations; link to regulations/policies
(d) municipal plans; link
(e) opened public tenders; link
(f) financial statements;
(g) auditor’s reports;
(h) adopted budgets; link
(i) contracts; link
(j) orders;
(k) permits ; and
(l) Rep. by 2000 c16 s2
(m) all other documents tabled or adopted by council at a public meeting.
2023 ATIPPs
All ATIPP submissions are subject to appear on this page by a decision of Council at a monthly Regular Meeting.