In the early 1800’s agriculture also became an important undertaking. Because of the vagaries of the Newfoundland fishery early settlers began to become more self-sufficient in foodstuffs to reduce their dependency on the fishing income. By the mid 1800’s farming had become so important to the local economy that “area residents petitioned the government to improve roads so that markets would be more accessible.” 5 According to a Census at the time the common crops of Newfoundland were grown as well as oats. Sheep, poultry, horses, swine and cattle were raised.
Mid-Late 1800’s
The early to mid 1800’s saw the development of a community in Holyrood. In the 1830’s a road was developed which followed the shoreline around the bay and connected the area to St. john’s. The Census of 1836 reports Holyrood as having a school and in 1839 yet another was established and taught by a Mr. Woodford. Although it wouldn’t become a full-fledged parish until some 50 years later a mission church was established as early as 1830 and was serviced by a traveling priest who was established initially in Harbour Grace and later in Harbour Main. A cemetery was adjacent to this Mission Church, the use of which was discontinued in the 1870’s. Many of the early headstones, carved from Kelly’s Island stone, still remain today in the old cemetery garden on the north side.
By the latter half of the 1800’s Holyrood began to mature. Property as we know it today had all been settled. Immigration of new families slowed, while the population grew with children and grandchildren of settlers marrying and remaining within the community. The development of the railway in the 1880’s had a tremendous impact on the socioeconomic conditions of the community. The railway suddenly made St. John’s and Carbonear an hour away by a comfortable coach. Port aux Basques became less than 2 days away and Boston could be reached overland (except for Gulf Crossing) in less than a week. Coincident with the railway was the development of telegraph communications, and changes in mail delivery. Mail from St. John’s and other rail points became destined to Holyrood to be relayed to Harbour Main, Chapel’s Cove, and St. Mary’s Bay via the Salmonier Line. In addition to the men who became employed directly with the railway, telegraph and posts, a service industry was created to accommodate the people travelling. Holyrood’s beautiful scenery provided the backdrop for a tourist industry. Suddenly, workers in St. John’s could take holidays and picnics alongside their favorite rivers and fishing holes in little more than an hour from home. Small hotels and boarding houses developed all over the community. This tourist industry flourished in Holyrood until the 1960’s when the availability of motor cars and the construction of the Trans Canada Highway across the island opened up new opportunities to the traveling public.
The availability of the railway to Holyrood had an impact on the fishing industry in the community. Because people were suddenly able to travel and communicate with the rest of the country in relative ease, they were not isolated to the same degree that many other communities in Newfoundland were. (Most of coastal Newfoundland was completely dependent on water for travel and communication.) Consequently, when the fishery went into its various declines in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s people had relatively easy access to new employment opportunities. The mine on Bell Island in the 1890’s, the pulp and paper at Grand Falls in 1909, and later the mines at Sydney, N.S. and the development of Corner Brook in the 1920’s all provided alternatives to the fishing industry. As we get into the chapter on Holyrood families, we will read about the men who made careers of leaving home in the spring to work in the Boston states or the Great Lakes and return home again in the fall.
Early – Mid 1900’s
The Labrador and Grand Banks fishery gradually began to decline during the first decades of the 20th century. The bait fishery was sustained with visiting banking schooners. In 1932 John J. Carroll built the first mechanically refrigerated “cold storage” plant in Newfoundland and could now provide bait for longer periods, as well as developing a cottage industry of freezing and shipping blueberries.
The decline in the fishery and the opening of new opportunities elsewhere took its toll of Holyrood’s population. In 1921 there were 1050 people in Holyrood; by 1935 there were 951, and by 1945, 707 people. The Depression Years of the 1930’s were also felt in Holyrood. However, the diversity of occupations now reduced the severity that haunted other communities completely dependent on the fishery. The depression with the fishery followed by the creation of the U.S. and Canadian Military Bases in St. john’s and Argentia all but eliminated the fishing industry in Holyrood. By the 1950’s and 60’s only a handful of people fished and the bait fishery was reduced to a seasonal operation.

Late 1900’s – Present
With the creation of the oil refinery and the general growth and development in the late 1950’s steps were taken to formalize the community into a town. In 1961 Holyrood was first incorporated and shortly thereafter a Board of Trustees was appointed to run the municipality. Eight years later the Town of Holyrood was created and the first Town Council elected. By 1982 town services included a water and sewer system, recreational facilities, a fire hall, garbage collection and street lighting. In 1967 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police established a detachment.
Over the years a number of various industries have existed in Holyrood. Besides the fishing in the 1800’s an attempt to develop a copper mining operation was started in the mid 1800’s. This attempt was apparently unsuccessful and the remnants of this excavation can be seen on the seashore of the North Arm hills.
As we will see in later chapters, employment was gained in service industries even as early as the mid 1800’s. A ferry service was operated between Duffs on the south side to Chapol’s Cove as a short cut to carry mail and passengers from St. John’s to Harbour Main and outlying communities-The development of an overland mail service to St. Mary’s Bay and Placentia created the Salmonier Line and the host of service houses along the way. The development of the railway only served to enhance these existing services. The taxiing and lodging of travellers from St. Mary’s Bay to connect with the trains substantially increased the number of people employed in these areas. In the late 1800’s several popular hotels were in operation: Veitch’s, Butler’s, Lewis’, O’Rourke’s and others. In later years Frank Bennett and Jim Crawley and others operated motor taxis from St. John’s to St. Mary’s. The development of the Argentia Naval Base in the 1940’s greatly increased the traffic through Holyrood. The Salmonier Line was upgraded for heavy vehicular traffic. The movement of people at the time was such that anyone with a motor car got into the taxi business.

The, last 30 years saw the development of several heavy industries in the community. During the 1950’s the new “provincial” government of Joseph Smallwood began a program of establishing manufacturing industries at various places around Newfoundland. One of these was a plant manufacturing rubber products. The “Superior RubberCo. Ltd.” was begun in the early 1950’s but only lasted about a year before closing.
In the late 1950’s Golden Eagle Oil Refinery Ltd., was created on the shores of the south side. This facility covered an area of about 80 acres and took over two years to construct. When completed it employed about 75 full-time workers as well as many part-time and seasonal workers. Over the years the refinery flourished and expanded from its initial capacity of 70(X) barrels a day to over 15000 barrels a day by the mid 1970’s. The refinery’s workforce brought many new residents and families to the community. Alas, the refinery became one of the causalities of the economic downturn in the oil industry in thc, early 1980’s. The refinery capability was discontinued at that time and the facility used for storage of products refined elsewhere.
In the late 1960’s Holyrood was chosen as the site of an oil fired electric generating station. Once again it was boom times with the influx of workers and their families during the construction period.. To date this industry still flourishes.
A side from the refinery and the generating station the next largest industry in Holyrood in recent years is once again in the service industry. In the early 1970’s a number of people developed facilities for the care of senior citizens and patients requiring special care. Today 7 facilities: Woodford’s, Quinlan’s, Kennedy’s, Kirby’s, Condon’s and Crawley’s all provide care and services to over 100 people and employ over 35 people directly.
Today the majority of residents are engaged in a diversity of occupations. Residents include doctors, dentists, pharmacists, architects and engineers, money managers, nurses, social workers, teachers,artists,police officers and numerous others in varied walks of life. In addition, Holyrood has exported as much talent again. Holyrood continues to grow and change, yet still maintains the peaceful flavour and rural charm that makes it a nice place to live.
HISTORY OF HOLYROOD – FOOTNOTES 1.Sisam, Kenneth, Fourteenth Century Verse and Prose, Oxford University Press, London 1967, Glossary.
This History of Holyrood came from the book “Come Ashore to Holyrood by Mary Veitch