Clear Bags for Garbage Collection- January 1, 2024

On January 1, 2024, the Eastern Regional Service Board will transition to clear bags for all household garbage.

Customers will place their regular household waste out for collection in clear, see-through garbage bags.

Every household will have the option to use one privacy bag each week.

Using clear bags encourages proper sorting of materials, keeping recyclable items out of the garbage.

Clear bags also encourage proper diversion of electronics and hazardous waste material, such as batteries from landfill.

Proper sorting of discarded items will reduce the amount of waste going to landfill, reducing the cost paid to dispose of materials collected.

Keeping operating costs down will help keep collection fees low.

Using clear bags protects the collectors, allowing them to see and avoid sharp or dangerous objects in the bag.

There is no limit on the number of blue bags you can place curbside on recycling day.

Sort mixed plastic and metal containers into one blue bag and paper and cardboard into a separate blue bag.